Thumbs up to Roby Brock for following up on the rumors that Gen. Wesley Clark is interested in running for the second congressional district seat being vacated by Rep. Vic Snyder. It appears that Mr. Clark is seriously considering the race, and severalational media outlets have picked up on the story.Taegan Goddard&s Political Wire
Today, voters in the second congressional district campaign in Arkansas got a feel for howational Democrats feel about Tim Griffin&s candidacy. The DCCC issued a strongly worded press release criticizing Mr. Griffin for engaging in the practice of vote caging during the 2004 presidential election.Vote caging, according to Dahlia Lithwick of Slate, is an
Localews AR 2nd Congressional District: Will Social Media Play a Prominent Role
“They're ahead of teams like Georgia Tech, Boston College and Wake Forest, who have all gone to pretty good bowl games in the last few years. So that's a good job that they've done.” Twenty-one players have made oral commitments to
The event is being held at the same site as the Super Bowl, in Miami, in what would seem to be an attempt to provide even a little bit more relevance to the game. Whether this attempt will work orot is a whole other question. in the draft on top of being arrogant also listening 2 deion,s and will the.F.L or theCAA tell dion 2 whos We think is cutting side deals with his agent 2 back off these high profile college athletes , but what We was getting at is does it
College Bowl games Georgia DT Jeff Owens Improves Draft Status After Senior Bowl


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